Browsing Tip
*Determining Which Services are Associated with SVCHOST
Since so many critical services are run with each svchost,
You can see which ones are being used by opening a cmd prompt and running:
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.
*How to roll back device drivers
Rolling back a device driver may be necessary if you''ve just installed updated the driver for some device on your system and it''s behaving erratically as a result.
Add Your Printer to SendTo
Print documents without opening them by adding your printer to the Win9x SendTo menu (accessed when you highlight and right-click on any file in a Windows Explorer or My Computer window).
End Reverse DNS Lookups
One common complaint about Exchange is how slow it is, especially when dealing with Internet mail.
*Changing the User Type
Normally in XP Pro, through the Control Panel / User Accounts icon, you are only allowed to create administrators or limited users.
*Changing the User Type
Normally in XP Pro, through the Control Panel / User Accounts icon, you are only allowed to create administrators or limited users.
*Burn DVDs From the Command Line
Need to make repeated copies of the same DVD? Or do you want to burn a DVD image from an .