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*Burn CDs From the Command Line
Need to make repeated copies of the same CD? Or do you want to burn a CD image from an .
Posted:2007-04-14, 1922 views

*Unix Du (Disk Usage Command)
Most Unix operating systems come with a du command for users and system administrators to help determine which directories use the most file space.
Posted:2007-04-14, 3042 views

*Printer Driver Information
Diagnosing Windows XP printer errors on a printer accessible either locally or via the network? One place to start would be to determine whether or not the printer drivers are completely installed and what versions of the particular DLLs and other files are installed.
Posted:2007-04-14, 1822 views

*Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion on the Command Line
Computer programmers and system engineers often need to convert hexadecimal numbers such as FF to decimal numbers (255) and vice-versa, but don''t want to open up the Windows XP calculator tool? The Sysinternals website, part of Microsoft TechNet, offers a free DOS hexadecimal to decimal conversion program called hex2dec.
Posted:2007-04-14, 2203 views

*UNIX Style Less Command
The less command, on most UNIX-style operating systems, displays the contents of a text file, but in a different fashion than the more command.
Posted:2007-04-14, 2477 views

*Use NTimer to Display How Long a Program Takes to Execute
When developing applications or testing scripts in Windows XP, it may prove beneficial to benchmark how much time it takes for the particular code to execute.
Posted:2007-04-14, 1803 views

*Batch File to Determine Operating System Version
Many DOS commands in the 32-bit versions of Windows are similar but support different parameters or a few different commands.
Posted:2007-04-14, 3781 views

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